Mohammed Ashraf Khan Ghori is a curious, compassionate and courteous seventeen year old, currently in the 12th grade completing his formal education. He stumbled upon art, as means of diversion therapy. He was awestruck by the idea of using paints to give form to metaphysicality, commencing his journey in abstract art. He is enamoured by and looks up to the likes of Mark Rothko, David Hockney, Kazemir Malevich, Hans Hoffman and Jackson Pollock, to name a few. Art movements like Neoplasticism, Supretaism and Abstract expressionism have also had a great influence on him. Also he enjoys modern forms of art, like abstract pop art as well as literature that arouses questionability


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India’s first Sky Gallery, Sublime Galleria was founded to serve as a platform to support emerging as well as renowned artists.

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