01 Jun to 30 Jun, 2022
11am – 8pm
Sublime Galleria, 8th Floor, Vittal Mallya Road, Bangalore – 560 001
Badrunissa Irfan
What is a soul? Is it an abstract idea? Is it a part of the universe? Is it the Almighty’s consciousness within us humans? Is it who we are? Is it everything and nothing at the same time? This philosophical question doesn’t have just one answer. But whether you are a believer or not, each of us has experienced the presence of a soul within us. Some call it their moral compass, some name it their consciousness, and some simply call it their soul.
An art that is inspired by the serene life ahead, comes from the house of our latest artist Badrunissa Irfan. Mrs Badrunissa has a very warm and humble aura around her. She is a very religious woman who prays five times a day and sees the divine shower of the Almighty’s love in everything around her.
Always welcoming, she has a very motherly vibe to her and never fails to impress with her cooking skills. She is so good with the culinary skills that she can easily claim the title of ‘The Mistress of Spices’. With her cookbook – Duniya-e-Ziyafat, Mrs Badrunissa shares select recipes and the magic of her culinary skills.
But she is so much more than just that. An artist at heart, Mrs Badrunissa had always been connected with art. As a young artist, she had won many awards during her school and college years. As life and responsibilities took over, her passion for art took a back seat. However, after encountering a life-altering experience in recent years, she was inspired to revive her love for art. There has been no looking back since then.
It was her love for art that gave rise to Sublime. Giving wings to her daughter Uzma Irfan’s childhood Dream, it was she who named the first-ever venture. Sublime – Inspiring Awe is a result of her inspiration, and we at Sublime Galleria are very proud to be a part of her journey. The childhood artist within has been given a new lease of life, and just like her, her art is also soothing to the beholder, and we are thrilled to bring her art to you.
There is magic in her hands, as she cooks some of the most delicious food that satisfies your heart, and paints delightful art that reaches your soul.
Join the artist on her journey as she rediscovers the hidden artist within, and inspires you with the strokes of her brush.